Okey Dokey, Mr. Pahokey
Got through this year pretty well. It was below
average - 43 ducks as a family, but it was also
a below average year for water depth on the
St. Johns. And it was abnormally warm this
year. The depth and the warmth worked to
limit the quantity and the location of the
The boat broke down a few times, but was
able to limp out of the marsh every time.
Hunting Turkey Creek, Big Bend, Jackleg
Slough, and West Side generated limited
variety of ducks, but a surprising number
of modus.
I was pleased to hunt with some new
friends, Deke, Danny, Mike, and Terry.
None of them got super hunts.
I got to hunt with my old buddy, Mike
T. and with two of my boys Craig and
LT. We got into the local WMA and
had primo spots each time. That
generated most of the birds that we
ended up taking.
For one hunt, LT and I set up facing
the coming sunrise. It didn't matter.
Shooting time came a half hour before
sunup and we were limited 16 minutes
average - 43 ducks as a family, but it was also
a below average year for water depth on the
St. Johns. And it was abnormally warm this
year. The depth and the warmth worked to
limit the quantity and the location of the
The boat broke down a few times, but was
able to limp out of the marsh every time.
Hunting Turkey Creek, Big Bend, Jackleg
Slough, and West Side generated limited
variety of ducks, but a surprising number
of modus.
I was pleased to hunt with some new
friends, Deke, Danny, Mike, and Terry.
None of them got super hunts.
I got to hunt with my old buddy, Mike
T. and with two of my boys Craig and
LT. We got into the local WMA and
had primo spots each time. That
generated most of the birds that we
ended up taking.
For one hunt, LT and I set up facing
the coming sunrise. It didn't matter.
Shooting time came a half hour before
sunup and we were limited 16 minutes
Labels: duck hunting 16-17