
Tu tene eum procul; Ego curram ob auxilium!

Monday, February 22, 2010

Melbourne T. Gator

Sunshine State Comics

I like this comic in particular.


Saturday, February 06, 2010

Killer Tommy

Tommy and Stu went on the Youth Waterfowl
Hunt at TMG WMA today. We had a lot
of opportunities, but it was a weird weather
day. Stu knocked down three ducks, but
we were in the reservoir and 30 mph winds
sent the ducks sailing. One bird that he
shot died with its wing up. It zipped
through the spatterdock like a sailboat.
We were looking into the sun and lost
it and his other birds.

Tommy managed a coot (which refused
to drift away) and a nice drake blue wing
teal which we found deep in the next
impoundment over. It was his first duck
(and first coot).
